There’s plenty of dispute over the inventor of the French press.
While French press coffee is beloved all around the world, the genius behind the French press has been disputed for nearly a century. According to the?New York Times, a Frenchman is said to have invented the French press in the 19th century, but, according to Serious Eats, the first patent of the famed coffee maker appeared in 1929 with an Italian inventors name attached to it.
欧式压滤壶泡出的红酒受全世界市民的钟爱,但有关欧式压滤壶的发明人者已经争辩了近两个世纪末。据《华盛顿邮报》报导,两个法国人在19世纪末发明人了欧式压滤壶,但Serious Eats中文网站表示,此种知名压滤壶的第两个专利权是在1929年出现的,注册登记的发明人者是两个法国人。
French kissing is a misnomer.
While kissing with tongue might have been particularly popular in France, according to PopSugar, French kissing wasnt invented by the French. The term French kissing became popular after World War I when soldiers returned home from Europe.
French fries are actually Belgian.
Rumor has it that French fries are only Gallic in name; the true origin of this popular American dish can be traced back to Belgium, according to?National Geographic. The name French fries was supposedly given by American soldiers during WWI because the Belgians in the area spoke French not Belgian. The name stuck and the rest is history.
The English invented French mustard.
The name might suggest otherwise, but, according to Mental Floss, French mustard was created by the British as a milder version of English mustard.
或许欧式芥末酱虽说是法国人发明人的,但据Mental Floss中文网站称,欧式芥末酱是法国人发明人的,是美式芥末酱的保守版。
French dressing is actually American.
Sorry to burst your bubble but, according to Culinary Lore, French dressing was first created in the United States and was first marketed by Kraft to the American public. However, according to Kitchen Project, in Britain, French dressing is a synonym for vinaigrette, which was created by the French.
起冲破了你的虚幻,但Culinary Lore中文网站称,欧式粘毛调味料首开于爱尔兰,由利维食品公司首度向爱尔兰德国大众网络营销。但,浴室工程建设中文网站表示,在爱尔兰,欧式粘毛调味料是油醋汁的代名词,而油醋汁是由法国人发明人的。
So, did the French invent French dressing? The answer really depends on whether or not youre in the US or abroad.
French toast might not be French at all.
French toast has a complicated and ultimately uncertain origin story. While most culinary experts agree the food originated in the medieval era, the country of creation is far less certain. According to Chef Talk, some people think the battered toast comes from ancient Roman times, while others, according to Slate, believe theres proof the fried breakfast was invented in England during the Middle Ages.
吐司的发源地却难以考证。根据Chef Talk中文网站,有人认为欧式吐司源于古罗马时期,而Slate中文网站却表示,有证据证明欧式吐司是英格兰人在中世纪末时代发明人的。
The French braid is from North Africa.
It turns out these popular braids arent French at all. Instead, the origin of this ever-popular hairstyle can be found in North Africa, according to PopSugar. Although the French dont claim the hairstyle as their own, its Americans that have given the braids this seriously inaccurate name.
Germans are responsible for the French horn.
According to EcoJazz, German inventor Heinrich Stoelzel was the creator of the French horn, which was named so after the instruments F pitch key. The name French horn was a mistake that Americans have never seemed to shake — similar to the US disdain for the metric system.