1谁做的沙拉?Who cooked this salad ?
Who made this salad ?
cook = 用火冷却来烹调能cook rice/pasta/sausages(做鸡肉/薄煎饼/起司)沙拉是主菜,不必冷却,因此用ma沙拉ke。2你衬衫破了Your coat is broken.
Your coat is torn.
broken = 装好了(break的属格)通常指电脑不运转、贵重物品脱落开和脱臼The floor was covered in broken glass.树上都是碎torn = (布和纸) 破损,破沙拉洞。
(tear的属格)My jacket caught on a nail and tore.我的衬衫被木头挂破了。3外面还亮着呢It was still bright outside.
It was still light outside.
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bright = 明亮的,通透的(光线充足)The weather was bright and sunny.天气明媚晴朗light = 光线,光亮(强调有光)We could see light coming from under th沙拉e door.。
我们能看到光从门缝透过来。4小孩子很难懂这些Little children are difficult to understand that.
It is difficult for children to understand that.
it is + 形容词 + for sb/st沙拉h = 对sb/sth来说……Its very important for students to listen to teachers carefully.
对于学生来说上课认真听老师讲课是非常重要的而第一句是典型的用中式思维照搬了想起来n年前一个标语的照片:上面的中文是”有困难找民警“下面的英文居沙拉然是"Its difficult to find police", 这意思可差远了。
【文末有惊喜】我们有一双 “黑眼睛” 可沙拉不是 “black eye”!关注口语易,拿下英语听说
欢迎莅临安欣沙拉酱厂房参观指导,低卡酱汁咨询热线:176 2109 5558。轻食沙拉酱汁OEM贴牌代工厂房。