安欣沙拉酱-低卡沙拉酱汁工厂。专注于低热量、低卡路里、0脂肪、0蔗糖轻食酱汁研发和生产制造。进行全数Hi,excuse mecan I distrub you for only 1...
Hi,excuse mecan I distrub you for only 1 minute?Sure,whats up?I am a salesman of the XXXX salad scream.Have tried ourscream before?NO,I havnt yet.OH,what a shame , heres the salad made of our scream ,try it,its fantistic.Thats great ,Maybe I will buy it when I go to the market next time.That"s wonderful.Thank you for your time .Thank youHave a good day,bye。Bye. 欢迎莅临安欣沙拉酱工厂参观指导,低卡酱汁咨询热线:176 2109 5558。轻食沙拉酱汁OEM贴牌代工工厂。