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作者:彼新沙拉酱 来源:彼新沙拉酱 点击: 发布日期: 2022-02-28









听力|精读|翻译|词组 Business - Bartleby 音频: 进度条00:00 / 06:06后退15秒 倍速 快进15秒Purpose and the employee蛋黄酱中的管理哲学英文部分选自经济学人期商业版块

Purpose and the employee蛋黄酱中的管理哲学 Some people want to change the world. But not everyone有人想改变世界,但并非人人如此 What is the meaning of mayonnaise? For Unilever, a consumer-goods giant whose products are all meant to stand for something, the purpose of its Hellmann’s brand is to reduce food waste by making leftovers tasty. For Terry Smith, a fund manager fed up with Unilever’s dipping share price, this is crazy. “The Hellmann’s brand has existed since 1913,” he wrote earlier this month. “So we would guess that bynow consumers have figured out its purpose (spoiler alert—salads and sandwiches).” 蛋黄酱有什么含义?对于消费品巨头联合利华(Unilever)而言,其所有产品皆承载着一定的意义。沙拉汁其旗下调味酱品牌好乐门(Hellmann)旨在让残羹剩菜变得美味可口,从而减少食物浪费。对于基金经理特里•史密斯(Terry Smith)来说,这个宗旨简直不可理喻,他受够了联合利华不断下跌的股价。特里在本月写道:“好乐门是个1913年的老牌子,恐怕消费者早已了解其品牌宗旨(小心剧透:

沙拉和三明治)。”【译者注:好乐门以美式风味的经典蛋黄酱著称,该酱常用于沙拉和三明治的调味。】 注:1. 好乐门(Hellmanns):源于1913年美国,现为联合利华旗下的调味酱品牌,以美式风味的经典蛋黄酱著称。2. Terry Smith:英国知名基金经理,Fundsmith股票基金(Fundsmith Equity Fund)的创始人兼首席执行官,持股包括Microsoft,LOreal和PayPal。沙拉汁他曾是英国经纪公司德利万邦(Tullett Prebon)和英国券商高林斯特(Collins Stewart)的首席执行官。;Mr Smith’s concern is the financial performance of Unilever (in the face of investor disquiet, the firm is now planning management cuts and an overhaul of its operating model). But his underlying point, that doing the obvious job well can be purpose enough, is one that has much wider application. For it is true of colleagues as well as condiments. 困扰史密斯先生的是联合利华的财务业绩(为缓解投资者的担忧,该公司计划裁减管理层、改革运营模式)。但他的言下之意是:做好本职工作就称得上是有意义了——这一观点可以推而广之,既适用于蛋黄酱,也适用于职员。 注:推荐阅读:Unilever to cut 1,500 jobs in management shake-up;The very idea of a purposeful employee conjures up a specific type of person. They crave a meaningful job that changes society for the better. When asked about their personal passion projects, they don’t say “huh?” or “playing Wordle”. They are concerned about their legacy and almost certainly have a weird diet. 一提到目标明确的职员,人们就会联想到某种特定类型的人。这类人渴望一份有意义的、可以改善社会的工作。如果有人问他们热衷于什么,他们不会回答“啊?”或“你猜”。他们关心沙拉汁

自己会为社会留下些什么,而且他们几乎都有奇怪的饮食习惯。 注:Wordle:从分类上看,Wordle 和填字游戏都属于字谜游戏的一种。Wordle主体内容只有黄、绿、灰三色的 emoji 方块。这个游戏每天更新一期,玩家唯一目标,就是在六次尝试机会之内,猜出一个五个字母的单词。 Yet this is not the only way to think about purpose-driven employees. New research from Bain, a consultancy, into the attitudes of 20,000 workers across ten countries confirms that people are motivated by different things. 然而,目标驱动型职员并非仅此一类。最近贝恩咨询公司(Bain)对十个国家的两万名职员进行了调查,结果表明员工的工作动力来源各不相同。 Bain identifies six different archetypes, far too few to reflect the complexity of individuals but a lot better than a single lump of employees. “Pioneers” are the people on a mission to change the world; “artisans” are interested in mastering a specific skill; “operators” derive a sense of meaning from life outside work; “strivers” are more focused on pay and status; “givers” want to do work that directly improves the lives of others; and “explorers” seek out new experiences. 该公司提出了六种模型,虽然类型不多,无法反映个体的复杂性,但总归胜于把所有员工并为一谈。这六种模型有:“先驱者”沙拉汁肩负着改变世界的使命;“工匠”志在掌握特定技能;“经营者”从工作之外的生活中获得意义;“奋斗者”注重薪酬和地位;“给予者”想要从事直接改善他人生活的工作;“探险家”不断寻找新体验。 These archetypes are unevenly distributed across different industries and roles. Pioneers in particular are more likely to cluster in management roles. The Bain survey finds that 25% of American executives match this archetype, but only 9% of the overall US sample does so. Another survey of American workers carried out by McKinsey, a consulting firm, in 2020 found that executives were far likelier than other respondents to say that their purpose was fulfilled by their job. 这些模型在不同的行业和岗位中分布不均,而先驱者

尤其在管理层中扎堆出现。贝恩咨询公司的调查发现,25%的美国高管符合这一模型,但在所有的美国受访者中,只有9%符合这一模型。麦肯锡咨询公司在2020年对美国职工进行的另一项调查发现,相较其他受访者,高管们更有可能表示他们从工作中获得成就感。 This skew matters if managers blindly project their own ideas of purpose onto others. Having a purpose does not necessarily mean a desire to found a startup, head up the career ladder or log into virtual Davos. Some people are fired up by the prospect of learning new skills or of deepening their expertise. 沙拉汁如果管理者盲目地将自己的目标理念投射到他人身上,这种偏差就会产生影响。有志向并不一定意味着渴望创业、升职或参加线上达沃斯经济论坛。毕竟学习新技能或精进专业知识也很激动人心。 Others derive purpose from specific kinds of responsibility. Research by a couple of academics at NEOMA Business School and Boston University looked at the experience of employees of the Parisian metro system who had been newly promoted into managerial roles. People who had been working as station agents before their elevation were generally satisfied by their new roles. But supervisors who had previously worked as train drivers were noticeably less content: they felt their roles had less meaning when they no longer had direct responsibility for the well-being of passengers. 有些人则从具体责任中获得满足。来自诺欧商学院(NEOMA Business School)和波士顿大学(Boston University)的学者们进行了一项研究,考察对象是巴黎地铁系统中新晋升至管理层的员工。其中,那些曾担任站长的人总体上对新岗位较满意,但曾任司机现为主管的人则明显不太满意。他们认为不再直接对乘客负责时,自己的沙拉汁

工作意义明显减弱。 Firms need to think more creatively about career progression than promoting people into management jobs. IBM, for example, has a fellowship programme designed to give a handful of its most gifted technical employees their own form of recognition each year. 公司需要在员工的职业发展方面打开思路,而不只是把他们推到管理层。比如,IBM公司就设置了一个奖学金项目,每年表彰公司内最具天赋的一小撮技术人才。   Another mistake is to conflate an employee’s commitment with good performance. A recent paper from Yuna Cho of the University of Hong Kong and Winnie Jiang of INSEAD, a business school, describes an experiment in which groups of people with managerial experience listened to two actors playing the part of colleagues. One group heard an “employee” saying that he was looking forward to retirement; another group heard the employee saying that he did not want to retire at all. In all other respects the conversations were the same. The observers assigned a bigger bonus and a higher raise to the employee who appeared to have more passion. 此外,不应该把员工的工作热情与其工作表现划等号。香港大学的Yuna Cho和欧洲工商管理学院的Winnie Jiang最近发表的论文中有一项这样的实验:两位演员扮演同事,由有管理经验的人分组旁观。其中,一组受试者听到一位“员工”抱怨说想退休;而另一组则听到“员工”说丝毫不想退休。除此之外,两组实验的对话内容完全相同。最终,受沙拉汁试者纷纷认为那位看起来对工作饱含热情的“员工”理应升职加薪。 注:推荐阅读:Your Most Passionate Employees May Not Be Your Top Performers by Winnie Jiang;There is some logic here. Employees with a calling could well be more dedicated. But that doesn’t necessarily make them better at the job. And teams are likelier to perform well if they blend types of employees: visionaries to inspire, specialists to deliver and all those people who want to do a job well but not think about it at weekends. Like mayonnaise, the secret is in the mixture. 我们用逻辑捋一捋。那些有使命感的员工可能确实工作更积极,但这并不意味着他们的工作表现更好。要想团队表现好,群英荟萃少不了:鼓舞人心的远见者、脚踏实地



Shiny, 字里人间,学习编舟渡河



Summer,enjoy life as it is



观点|评论|思考本次感想Rena,坐标墨尔本的笨蛋Phd student,爱读书爱摄影爱傻笑












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欢迎莅临安欣沙拉酱工厂参观指导,低卡酱汁咨询热线:176 2109 5558。轻食沙拉酱汁OEM贴牌代工工厂。

