Purpose and the employee
Some people want to change the world. But not everyone
WHAT IS THE meaning of mayonnaise? For Unilever, a consumer-goods giant whose products are all meant to stand for something, the purpose of its Hellmann’s brand is to reduce food waste by making leftovers tasty. For Terry Smith, a fund manager fed up with Unilever’s dipping share price, this is crazy. “The Hellmann’s brand has existed since 1913,” he wrote earlier this month. “So we would guess that by now consumers have figured out its purpose (spoiler alert—salads and sandwiches).”
*mayonnaise-egg yolks and oil and vinegar
*are all meant to stand for something
*reduce food waste by making leftovers tasty
-leftovers:food remaining from a previous meal
*fed up with...s dipping share price 被噎住了
*figure out its purpose
*spoiler alert
第一段来一个奇怪的脑洞类比,有点像周星驰电影凌凌漆里的"一张纸巾,一条内裤都有它的存在价值”;然后来一个奇怪的组合,蛋黄酱+基金经理?峰回路转的开头,埋梗build a hook。
Mr Smith’s concern is the financial performance of Unilever (in the face of investor disquiet, the firm is now planning management cuts and an overhaul of its operating model). But his underlying point, that doing the obvious job well can be purpose enough, is one that has much wider application. For it is true of colleagues as well as condiments.
*in the face of investor disquiet
disquiet-make... not quiet
*an overhaul of its operation model
overhaul-the act of improving by renewing and restoring
The engine has been completely overhauled.
*underlying point
underlying vs sth on the surface
*be purpose enough
*has much wider application
*condiment-a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment
这里parapharse 前面的mayonnaise
第二段从基金经理的concern转到一个wider application, 啊哈,我不是说针对谁,而是说在座的每一位,都是垃圾,噢,不是,都是蛋黄酱,哦,也不是,是同僚
The very idea of a purposeful employee conjures up a specific type of person. They crave a meaningful job that changes society for the better. When asked about their personal passion projects, they don’t say “huh?” or “playing Wordle”. They are concerned about their legacy and almost certainly have a weird diet.
*conjure up-summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life.
*crave: long for
*personal passion projects
*play wordle-play word games
*legacy-sth left behind
*have a weird diet
第三段purposeful employee 概念被引入,specific type of person被讨论,
Yet this is not the only way to think about purpose-driven employees. New research from Bain, a consultancy, into the attitudes of 20,000 workers across ten countries confirms that people are motivated by different things.
*purpose-driven employee
vs 前面的purposeful employee
*new research from... into the attitude...
*people are motived by different things
第四段借力知名咨询公司的调研,从千人前面的职业人格下探,进入动机people are motivated by different things
Bain identifies six different archetypes, far too few to reflect the complexity of individuals but a lot better than a single lump of employees. “Pioneers” are the people on a mission to change the world; “artisans” are interested in mastering a specific skill; “operators” derive a sense of meaning from life outside work; “strivers” are more focused on pay and status; “givers” want to do work that directly improves the lives of others; and “explorers” seek out new experiences.
*far too few to reflect the complexity of
*a single lump of
lump-a compact mass‘
No sugar, I said, and Jim asked for two lumps.
*pioneers-people on a mission to change the world
*artisans-are interested in mastering a specific skill
*operators-derive a sense of meaning from life outside work
*strivers-are more focused on pay and status
*givers-want to do work that directly improves the lives of others
*explorers--seek out new experiences
These archetypes are unevenly distributed across different industries and roles. Pioneers in particular are more likely to cluster in management roles. The Bain survey finds that 25% of American executives match this archetype, but only 9% of the overall US sample does so. Another survey of American workers carried out by McKinsey, a consulting firm, in 2020 found that executives were far likelier than other respondents to say that their purpose was fulfilled by their job.
*unevenly distributed across
*are more likely to cluster in
cluster-a group of similar thing
*match this archetype
*were far likelier than other respondents
This skew matters if managers blindly project their own ideas of purpose onto others. Having a purpose does not necessarily mean a desire to found a startup, head up the career ladder or log into virtual Davos. Some people are fired up by the prospect of learning new skills or of deepening their expertise.
*skew-turn or place at an angle
The book is heavily skewed towards American readers.
*matters if...
*blindly project their own ideas of purpose onto others
*not necessarily mean
*head up the career ladder
*log into virtual Davos
*are fired up by the prospect of
Others derive purpose from specific kinds of responsibility. Research by a couple of academics at NEOMA Business School and Boston University looked at the experience of employees of the Parisian metro system who had been newly promoted into managerial roles. People who had been working as station agents before their elevation were generally satisfied by their new roles. But supervisors who had previously worked as train drivers were noticeably less content: they felt their roles had less meaning when they no longer had direct responsibility for the well-being of passengers.
*derive purpose from specific kinds of responsibility-
*managerial roles
*their roles had less meaning
*the well-being of
第8段继续补充其他研究结果,特别给出一个meaningful job的例子
Firms need to think more creatively about career progression than promoting people into management jobs. IBM, for example, has a fellowship programme designed to give a handful of its most gifted technical employees their own form of recognition each year.
*career progression-
*promote people into management jobs
*their own form of recognition
第9段光有研究数据不够,要来一个具体知名企业的例子。their own form of recognition in IMB
Another mistake is to conflate an employee’s commitment with good performance. A recent paper from Yuna Cho of the University of Hong Kong and Winnie Jiang of INSEAD, a business school, describes an experiment in which groups of people with managerial experience listened to two actors playing the part of colleagues. One group heard an “employee” saying that he was looking forward to retirement; another group heard the employee saying that he did not want to retire at all. In all other respects the conversations were the same. The observers assigned a bigger bonus and a higher raise to the employee who appeared to have more passion.
*conflate an employees commitment with good performance
conflate-mix together different elements
Her letters conflate past and present
*assign a bigger bonus and a higher raise
*appeared to have more passions
There is some logic here. Employees with a calling could well be more dedicated. But that doesn’t necessarily make them better at the job. And teams are likelier to perform well if they blend types of employees: visionaries to inspire, specialists to deliver and all those people who want to do a job well but not think about it at weekends. Like mayonnaise, the secret is in the mixture.
*employees with a calling
*doesnt necessarily make them better at the job
*are likelier to perform well if they blend types of employees
*visioanries to inspire
*specialists to deliver
*Like mayonnaise, the secret is mixture.
1. 提出一个归纳-with a calling could well be more decated
2. 作出一个判断but not necessarily make them better 不能因此影响评价的标准
3.给出一种可能性建议 are likelier to perform well if blend types of employees
4.保留非绝对的公允并回应开头 Like mayonnaise, the secret is in the mixture.
另一个错误是将员工的承诺与良好绩效混为一谈。香港大学的Yuna Cho和商学院商学院的Winnie Jiang最近的一篇论文描述了一个实验,在这个实验中,有管理经验的人听两个演员扮演同事的角色。一组人听到一名“雇员”说他期待退休;另一组人听到该员工说他根本不想退休。在所有其他方面,对话都是一样的。观察者给似乎更有激情的员工分配了更高的奖金和加薪。